You are invited to join in the Colorado Springs community celebration and cheer on Team USA as they compete in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Multiple performances, Olympic athletes and teams, music, food and speed skating legend Eric Heiden will light the Olympic City USA Cauldron.
This celebration is a city-wide event that is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Join us for live entertainment, interactive activities for kids and families and food!
There will be a Korean theme so appropriate dress is encouraged, or support Team USA and wear your red, white and blue.
Friday, February 9, 5-10pm
- Tejon, Colorado to Kiowa
- Pikes Peak, Nevada to Colorado
Street closures begin as early as 10 a.m.; access to parking garages will remain open. Street closure and event footprint details.
- Electric Block Party brought to you by Sam & Kathy Guadagnoli
- Live coverage of the PyeongChang Opening Ceremony on a jumbo screen
- Lighting of the Olympic City USA cauldron by 5X Olympic Gold Medalist, Eric Heiden
- Korean performances – dance, music, drumming and sports
- Performances by the Jubilee Ensemble
- Sport demonstration and booths
- Olympic and Paralympic autographs
- Snowmobile Jumpers
- Kids activities
- Warming Stations in the street
- Hot Chocolate Stations
- Special Recognition Ceremony for Olympic Ideals Award Winners from area elementary schools
- Beer Garden and Ice Bar (courtesy of the Cripple Creek Ice Festival)