The American Numismatic Association has built a reputation for high-quality, hands-on numismatic learning opportunities through our Technical Series Seminars.
We believe the quality of training can be measured by the knowledge of your instructor, and we are proud to have some of the best instructors in the industry.
Our small class size allows you to forge connections with fellow students and instructors alike, providing an opportunity for professional camaraderie and networking. (Enrollment is limited to 25 students per class.)

Pioneer Gold Coinage Seminar.
Preceding World’s Fair of Money, July 30-31. Learn the history of the three major U.S. gold rushes through coins minted from Georgia to North Carolina to Colorado, Oregon, Utah and California. Examine high-resolution images and actual examples of rare pioneer gold. Email seminars@money.org for more information or click on one of the links below to register online.
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Coin Conservation, Authentication & Grading
Preceding World’s Fair of Money, July 29-31. Join us for an intensive three day seminar emphasizing the most essential numismatic skills for collectors of any level. Instruction includes hands-on coin examination.
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2017 Summer Seminar
Held in Colorado Springs, CO, June 17-29. Summer Seminar is a once-a-year opportunity for numismatic learning and camaraderie that offers students a varied selection of week long courses designed for discovery or continued study
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2017 VNA Seminar
The American Numismatic Association School of Numismatics is offering an educational seminar held in conjunction with the Virginia Numismatic Association Convention. In this hands-on seminar students will learn to authenticate Key and semi-Key counterfeit and altered coins, struck counterfeits and as well as recent Chinese-made counterfeits.
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2017 RCC Seminar
This hands-on seminar will look at the various types of counterfeits produced and how to authenticate them. From cast fakes and electrotypes to various high quality struck counterfeits, students will learn the diagnostics to spot the fakes and characteristics found on genuine specimens.
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